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Windows XP Problem z instalacja xpka IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL Rozwązanie: wyjąłem kartę sieciową!

cze all .. Otóż mam taki problem ponieważ instaluje xpka z bootowalnej plytki .. no i wszystko idzie dobrze do jakiejs 30 minuty (chodzi o min. ktore pozostaly  Smile ) ukazuje mi sie niebieski ekran z błędem i pisze "IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL" i pisze cos ze jezlei widze to pierszy raz to cza restartnac kompa itd.. ze mam sie skontaktowac z administratorem itd. Potem mi sie restartuje komp, uruchamia mi sie scan disc i potem znowu ten niebieksi ekran  Cry  i sie komp restaruje Sad
A na dysku nie mam nic poniewaz dzien do tylu robilem na nowo partycje i jak wiadomo musialem potem wszysko sformatowac.
AHA WAZNE tez jes ze gdy wzucilem cd od wina 2000 to tez mi sie cos takiego ukazuje tylko pisze ze .. zaczelo sie zrzucanie pamieci fizycznej i tez jakeis tam napisy i sie restaruje. Jedynie moge wina 98 bez problemow zainstalowac Sad
Napisz coś więcej o konfiguracji kompa bo nie wiele można pomóc nie wiedząc co w nim siedzi.


A czy odwiedzałeś : Element ukryty. Rejestracja zajmie tylko minutę!

Powodzonak 2
sory ze tak puzno Smile

celeron 566
riva tnt2 32 mb
sb 128 pci
128mb ram
via apollo pro 133 socket 370

pacze na tego linka co mi podales .. ale nie za bardzo rozumuje Tongue
Looknij tutaj : Element ukryty. Rejestracja zajmie tylko minutę!.

jest to dokładny opis tyle że po angielsku.

Jeżeli to Ci nie pomoże to odpisz coś jeszcze poradzimy

jesli chodzi do tej strony to .. tam raczej nic nie ma zwiazanego z moim problemem ? :| albo ja tego nie rozumiem Smile

yyy... tak o .. napisze ci co mi ju ludzie radzili Wink
no wiec.. miałem przeczyscic ramy spirytusem Smile to ju zrobilem .. dzis jeden gpsciu kazal mi wsyzstko porozlanczac i od nowa ..
inni jecze mi kazali w biosie wylonczyc opcje energi ACPI i cos tam w cpu internal cache.

No .. a co ty mi proponujesz? Smile

Soory ale podałem linka podam Ci całą zawartość i opis błędu

The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
Microsoft Windows XP Professional

This article was previously published under Q314063
For a Microsoft Windows 2000 version of this article, see 165863.

WARNING: This article contains steps that may involve changing your BIOS or CMOS settings or that may require you to make physical changes to your computer hardware. Incorrect changes to the BIOS of your computer can result in serious problems. Microsoft cannot guarantee that problems that result from changes to your BIOS can be resolved. Change the BIOS settings at your own risk. If you need assistance with any of these steps, contact the hardware manufacturer. Note however that making either hardware or BIOS changes to your computer may invalidate your warranty. If you do not want to make hardware changes to your computer, you can take your computer to a repair center.
This article discusses how to troubleshoot the following Stop error in Windows XP:

Stop: 0x0000000A (parameter1, parameter2, parameter3, parameter4) IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL*** Address x has base at x - filename
The parameters refer to the specific issues that are involved:
Parameter 1 - An address that was referenced improperly
Parameter 2 - An IRQL that was required to access the memory
Parameter 3 - The type of access, where 0 is a read operation and 1 is a write operation
Parameter 4 - The address of the instruction that referenced memory in parameter 1
This article describes troubleshooting steps to take if you receive this Stop error either during or after the installation of Windows XP.
Stop error 0x0000000A (Stop 0x0A) shows that there was an attempt in kernel mode to touch pageable memory at too high a process internal request level (IRQL). This error usually occurs when a driver uses an incorrect memory address. Other possible causes of this error are an incompatible device driver, a general hardware problem, and incompatible software.
A Stop 0x0A Error During the Installation of Windows
If you receive a Stop 0x0A error during the installation of Windows, use the following troubleshooting procedures to check hardware components.
Check the HCL
Verify that your hardware is on the Windows XP Hardware Compatibility List (HCL). If your hardware is not on the Windows XP HCL, consider obtaining hardware that is on the HCL.

For additional information about the Windows HCL, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

314062 The Latest Windows XP Hardware Compatibility List

The latest HCL is available at the following Microsoft Web site:

Element ukryty. Rejestracja zajmie tylko minutę!

Also, read the "Check System Compatibility" topic on the Windows XP CD-ROM to find out about potential software and hardware incompatibility.

The following troubleshooting steps can help you isolate the problem. Use the Windows XP CD-ROM to start the computer, and then follow the on-screen installation instructions.
Check Other Hardware Issues
If you continue to receive a Stop 0x0A error during the installation of Windows XP, try the following troubleshooting steps. After each step, try again to install Windows.
During the installation startup, press F5 when the "Setup is inspecting your computer's hardware configuration" message appears. When you are prompted, specify the correct computer type and hardware abstraction layer (HAL). For example, if you have a single processor, specify the "Standard PC" HAL.
Turn off the following features in the CMOS settings of your computer. Consult the hardware documentation or manufacturer for instructions.
All caching, including L2, BIOS, internal/external, and write-back caching on disk controllers
All shadowing
Plug and Play
Any BIOS-based virus protection feature
Remove all adapters and disconnect all hardware devices that are not absolutely required to start the computer and install Windows, including:
Network adapter
Internal modem
Sound card
Extra hard disks (you need at least one to complete the installation)
CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive (if you are installing from the local hard disk)
If you are using a SCSI adapter, perform the following tasks (consult the hardware documentation for information):
Obtain the latest Windows driver from the adapter vendor.
Turn off sync negotiation on the SCSI controller.
Verify that termination and IDs of the SCSI devices are correct.
Remove all SCSI devices from the SCSI chain (except for one hard disk if you are starting from or installing to a drive that is on that disk).
If you are using IDE devices, perform the following tasks (consult the hardware documentation for more information):
Define the on-board IDE port to Primary only.
Verify that the Master/Slave/Only settings for the IDE devices are correct.
Remove all IDE devices except for the hard disk.
Check the memory SIMMs (the RAM) in the computer (consult your hardware documentation for more information):
Remove any mismatched memory SIMMs so that all the SIMMs operate at the same speed, for example 60ns or 70ns.
Run a systems test on the memory, and remove any bad SIMMs.
Test by using different SIMMs if any are available.
Contact the manufacturer of the computer or the motherboard to see whether there are any known issues about running or installing Windows XP. The manufacturer might be able to provide guidance about the following items:
Running a diagnostics program on the computer.
Upgrading the computer BIOS, if that is applicable.
A Stop 0x0A Error After Windows XP Is Already Installed
If you receive the Stop 0x0A error after Windows XP is already installed, use the following troubleshooting procedures to check other components.
Check Third-Party Software or Drivers
If you have installed any third-party software or drivers, try removing them or disabling them so that they do not load, and then restart the computer to see whether that software or driver is causing the error. If that software or driver is causing the error, report the problem to the vendor of the software or driver.

If you are not able to start into Windows XP after you install the software or drivers, use one of the following methods to restore Windows:
Try using the Last Known Good configuration.For additional information about using the Last Known Good configuration, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

307852 HOW TO: Start Your Computer with Last Known Good Configuration

Try repairing the Windows XP installation. Follow these steps:
Disable any antivirus program and BIOS-level antivirus protection. For help, refer to the relevant software manual or online help.
Make sure that the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive is the first priority startup device. Refer to your computer documentation for information about how to do this.
Insert the Windows XP CD into the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive, and then restart your computer.
When the instruction to "Press any key to boot from CD" appears, press a key to let your computer start from the Windows XP CD.
When the computer starts from the CD, the system checks your hardware and then prompts you to select one of the following options:
To set up Windows XP now, press ENTER.
To repair a Windows XP installation using Recovery Console, press R.
To quit Setup without installing Windows XP, press F3.
Press ENTER.
Press F8 to accept the Licensing Agreement.
A box lists your current Windows XP installation, and then the system prompts you to select one of the following options:
To repair the selected Windows XP installation, press R.
To continue installing a fresh copy of Windows XP without repairing, press ESC.
Press R to start the automatic repair process. After repairing Windows XP, you may need to reactivate Windows XP, if you changed some hardware.
Try using the Roll Back Driver feature. For additional information about using the Roll Back Driver feature, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

283657 HOW TO: Use the Roll Back Driver Feature

Try using the Windows XP System Restore feature.For additional information about using the System Restore feature, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

306084 HOW TO: Restore Windows XP to a Previous State

Try using Recovery Console.For additional information about using Recovery Console, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

307654 HOW TO: Access the Recovery Console During Startup

If Windows is on a FAT partition, try booting to MS-DOS and renaming the problem software or driver.
Check Newly Installed Hardware
If you added any hardware device after Windows was installed, try removing the newly added device to see whether the Stop 0x0A error stops occurring. If removing the newly added device resolves the problem, try any or all of the following procedures:
Obtain updated drivers for the device, if any updated drivers are available.
Call the vendor of the device to see whether there are any known issues with the device.
Run diagnostics to make sure that the device is working properly.
Examine the logs under Event Viewer to see whether there is any event information that might help you determine what device or driver is causing the problem.

jednoznacznie wynika na problem ze sprzętem , postaraj się go ograniczyć do minimum czyli wyjmij na czas instalacji to co nie potrzebne czyli np. katę muzyczną , jeżeli to nie pomoże to jednoznacznie może wskazywać na uszkodzenie pamięci lub na jej złą jakość, postaraj się pożyczyć od kumpla kość i umieścić ją w twoim blaszaku.
Bios możez zaktualizować bo XP jest czuły na tym punkcje albo przywrócić ustawawienia domyślne boisu opcja "Loads Defaults"


Jeżeli masz drugi system to jek uruchomisz instalkę to jest tam opcja sprawdzenia sprzętu pod wzdlądem niekompatybilności zobacz co dostaniesz w raporcie po użyciu jej

Powodzonka 2
znam ten blad.
po prostu windows dziwnym sposobem zaladowal do systemu jakies urzadzenia i nie moze obsluzyc ich przerwaniami. Mam dwie karty sieciowe. Jedna wyjalem i poszlo dobrze. czasami taka plansza sie pojawia podczas normalnej pracy z windowsem. Bylo tak jak zainstalowalem winrouta i nagle xp "zauwazyl" 6 nowych urzadzen sieciowych takich jak wirtualne mostki sieciowe - w trybie awaryjnym je usunalem i jest ok.

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